Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Setting Public Service Standards at PST BPS-Statistics Simeulue Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Simeulue Regency

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Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Setting Public Service Standards at PST BPS-Statistics Simeulue Regency

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Setting Public Service Standards at PST BPS-Statistics Simeulue Regency

December 30, 2021 | Other Activities

Thursday (30/12/2021), BPS-Statistics Simeulue Regency held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Determining Public Service Standards (SPP) on the Integrated Statistical Service (PST) of BPS-Statistics Simeulue Regency which was attended by representatives of data users, academics and other public service providers, both vertical agencies and the Regency Apparatus Work Unit (SKPK) in Simeulue Regency. Among them, the Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Simeulue Regency, Drs. H. Aiyub, MA, Director of Simeulue Regency Hospital, drg. Farhan, Secretary of Dukcapil Office of Simeulue Regency, Amirudin, Head of P2ESDA Bappeda Simeulue Regency, Dr. Rina Darma Surya, and Chairman of STIT Simeulue Aceh, Adi Saleh, MA.
 The FGD on Determining Public Service Standards for PST BPS-Statistics Simeulue Regency began with remarks and the opening of the event by the Head of BPS-Statistics for Simeulue Regency, Agus Andria, SST., M.Si, followed by reading and presentation of PST Service Standards for BPS-Statistics Simeulue Regency, which was followed by discussion and input from participants. The participants are very supportive of this activity and hope that it can be carried out according to the established public service standards.
The series of FGD events continued with the signing of the Minutes of Agreement on Standards of PST BPS-Statistics Simeulue Services by representatives of data users, academics, vertical agencies and SKPKs, reading and signing of service announcements by the Head of BPS-Statistics Simeulue Regency and ends with the submission of recommendations for statistical activities to the Director of the Simeulue Regency Hospital.
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