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The Depiction Of A Map Of Economic Activity-Laden BS SE2016
April 13, 2015 | BPS Activities
Next yearis the yearwith the numberof yearsending in thedigit '6 ', namely2016.As inpreviousdecadesBPSshouldcarry outan important task, namelythe EconomicCensus.To carry outmajoractivitieswasthe preparationof coursehasand should be donesincethe previous period.
In preparation forthe 2016-EconomicCensus(SE2016),by 2015the updatedonespecialstatisticalwork areason theterritory ofthe concentration ofeconomic activitiesandthe CensusBlocks(BS) preparationthatis currentlycharged.BSis theworking areaof enumerationthat is part ofa regionthe village/kelurahan.BSspecialconcentrations ofeconomic activity thathave the chargeexceedsthe provisionsthey must beformedsubblokcensus (SBS).Establishment ofSBSis meant tobenefitthe operationalfieldso that theload isevenly distributedofficers.
The implementation ofthe activitiesofeconomicactivity-ladenBSmapitwill be performedApril– May2015.Meanwhile,to support the activitiesithas undertakentrainingofficer,airyon 7– 8 April2015.
Training activitiesheldin Simeulue RegencyBPSOffice.This trainingwas officially openedby the head ofBPSKabupaten Simeulue, Drs. T. Djohansjah, with coach (instructor) was Moh Roufiq Azmy,SST. Training materialcovers thewholeaspect ofthe theory ofrepresentations ofBS-ladeneconomic activitymapdeliveredwhilediscussingin the classroomand the practicefield. The practicefieldis carried out bytryinga searchfield toestimate the number ofchargeunitsof economic activityin aBStothen alsomaderepresentationsin accordance withstandardoperationalprocedures thatactually.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Simeulue (Statistics Simeulue Regency)Jl. Tgk. Diujung Desa Air Dingin