The Depiction Of A Map Of Economic Activity-Laden BS SE2016 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Simeulue Regency

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The Depiction Of A Map Of Economic Activity-Laden BS SE2016

The Depiction Of A Map Of Economic Activity-Laden BS SE2016

April 13, 2015 | BPS Activities

Next year is the year with the number of years ending in the digit ' 6 ', namely 2016.As in previous decades BPS should carry out an important task, namely the EconomicCensus. To carry out major activities was the preparation of course has and should be done since the previous period.
In preparation for the 2016-Economic Census (SE2016), by 2015 the update donespecial statistical work areas on the territory of the concentration of economic activities and the Census Blocks (BS) preparation that is currently charged. BS is theworking area of enumeration that is part of a region the village/kelurahan. BS specialconcentrations of economic activity that have the charge exceeds the provisions they must be formed subblok census (SBS). Establishment of SBS is meant to benefit the operational field so that the load is evenly distributed officers.
The implementation of the activities of economic activity-laden BS map it will be performed April – May 2015. Meanwhile, to support the activities it has undertakentraining officer, airy on 7 – 8 April 2015.
Training activities held in Simeulue Regency BPS Office. This training was officially opened by the head of BPS Kabupaten Simeulue, Drs. T. Djohansjah, with coach (instructor) was Moh Roufiq Azmy,SST. Training material covers the whole aspect of the theory of representations of BS-ladeneconomic activity map delivered while discussing in the classroom and the practicefield. The practice field is carried out by trying a search field to estimate the number ofcharge units of economic activity in a BS to then also made representations in accordance with standard operational procedures that actually.
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